Posts (Page 14 of 15)

Running a Java Vert.x app on Heroku
Step by Step on how to run a Java (vert.x) application on one of the popular Paas, in this case, Heroku.

A proof of concept web application to keep track of items you own, written in Vert.x

Hoping that an os update to my hackintosh system will solve the sleep issues I'm having.

Moving to Github pages
Migrate my Wordpress blog (hosted at Rackspace) and a Tumblr page to a statically generated site, powered by Jekyll and hosted at Github Pages.

hotfix 2
Share an encrypted zfs pool after being mounted.

hotfix 1
Mount an encrypted zfs pool after system boot.

oh solaris mio !
Install Solaris 11 in a home server environment, in order to use the built-in zfs pool encryption feature.

storage wars
Plan to virtualize two instances of the unRaid NAS server, running as two virtual machines in a VMWare Esxi installation, as well as setting up a server with zfs as the filesystem.

windows 8 consumer preview
More news about Windows 8 (consumer preview)

if it ain't broken, don't fix it ?
News about upcoming Windows 8.