Notes 202441

gaze into the turquoise © Juan B. Rodriguez show in

Let’s Encrypt certs on internal services

What methods are people using to do something like this without exposing internal services

Create your own Certificate Authority (CA) using OpenSSL

Who isn’t tired of certificate errors at internal devices that serve a WebUI but don’t have a trusted certificate?

VTracer | Vision Cortex

VTracer is a utility to convert raster images into vector graphics


a local-first web app for planning trips!


open source tool to monitor mobile apps

Tom Blomfield: What is “founder mode”?

He believed that as Airbnb hired more professional managers, he lost a close connection with the details of the end product and the company suffered as a result

How to prevent re-render in React with Tailwind CSS | Nico’s Blog

But when user scrolls down, the background becomes white. It was implemented as follows


The font for developers

Ghost in the Terminal

… let’s talk about why I love this terminal so much, and why you should try it.


Deskflow lets you share one mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Video & audio player themes for every web player & framework

How to Use Hugging Face Models with Ollama

Ollama is awesome, but it only has a few models compared to Hugging Face. But you can have both

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