Posts (Page 12 of 15)

Gaming Rig
Setting up a gaming rig

Weekly Notes 2022-12-30
a journal of unrelated topics

The Subtle Art of not giving a Fxck, Mark Manson (2016)
A counterintuitive approach to living a good life

migrate content from different sites to

Notas 3
Notas sobre tendencias digitales, sqlite y volta

React Native app built with zustand and tailwind
Migrate React Native app from redux/sagas to zustand and implement tailwindcss along the way

Running AdGuard Home on an EdgeRouter 6P
Run a dns sinkholing tool on the router instead of a separate server to remove potential points of failure

Elecciones Panamá 2019
Mi pronóstico sobre las elecciones nacionales de Panamá en 2019

The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron, Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind (2013)
La historia de una de las compañías más importantes a nivel global y cómo lograron evaporar todo su capital

Notas 2
Notas sobre cálculo de cardinalidad (elementos únicos) y política