Good Refactoring vs Bad Refactoring
I’ve hired a lot of developers over the years. More than a few of them have come in with a strong belief that our code needed heavy refactoring
Libraries that support or not new architecture
Waku, the minimal React framework
As the minimal React framework, it’s designed to accelerate the work of developers
Tips for building Bubble Tea programs
It may be little but I found it had a steep learning curve before I could get truly comfortable with its power
Mobile Deployment Pipelines for $0 - by Jacob Bartlett
Today, I’ll show you how to set up CI on your side projects. For free!
Use your Neovim like using Cursor AI IDE!
TuneSync is a versatile, serverless track player that enables users to effortlessly stream music, meditation tracks, and podcasts from an extensive variety of sources, both local and remote.