Tidy first?, Kent Beck (2023)

tidy first?

This book puts names to some of the coding habits I’ve grown to use over the years: I used them, just didn’t name them.

I’m not talking about guard clauses or dead code (those are almost universal now), but reading order, cohesion order and so on, I find very refreshing to see that these are some common patterns.

What really surprised me though, was seeing optionality discussed in the context of code.

The previous book I read, was all about options, it was almost serendipity to see the topic discussed here.

I still have to wrap my head around it, but I think I start to see a light at the end of that specific tunnel.

The whole idea of tidying, and whether to do it first or later, is presented in a straightforward way and the author gives pointers about the pros/cons of these and similar approaches.

More books are on the way, looking forward to them.


Make the code tidier for the next person. If everyone follows the Scout rule (“leave it better than you found it”), the code will become more livable-with over time

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