Notes 202431

by the dawn's early lights © Juan B. Rodriguez show in

How to enable stylistic sets | tonsky/FiraCode Wiki

Stylistic sets allow you to access additional, optional parts of the font on a per-feature basis. In Fira Code, they allow you to enable/disable alternative character variants.

Watch as a Drone Summits Mount Everest in Stunning Fashion – Moss and Fog

Without lifting a finger, you can now watch that entire summit in this 4 minute video, where a consumer drone is expertly piloted to the summit of Mount Everest.

C Macro Reflection in Zig – Zig Has Better C Interop Than C Itself

WindowProc and HWND bring back some memories

dnglab/dnglab: Camera RAW to DNG file format converter

Command line tool to convert camera RAW files to Digital Negative Format (DNG).


Application to comfortably monitor your Internet traffic Cross-platform, Intuitive, Reliable

Building static binaries with Go on Linux - Eli Bendersky’s website

This doesn’t mean that Go always produces such binaries by default, however; in some scenarios it requires extra work to make this happen

Introducing XState Store | TkDodo’s blog

On the first glance, it looked like zustand and redux-toolkit had a child, combining the best of both libs

Please Stop Using Barrel Files | TkDodo’s blog

How to organize your files “correctly” is a hot, controversial topic among frontend developers. Move files around until it feels right is a common meme

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